Garnett Kilberg Cohen
Garnett Kilberg Cohen is the author of four story collections: Cravings (October 2023); Lost Women, Banished Souls; How We Move the Air; and Swarm to Glory. Her chapbook, Passion Tour, was published by Finishing Line Press. Her writing has appeared in The New Yorker online, Rumpus, The Gettysburg Review, Witness, The Literary Review, StoryQuarterly, The Antioch Review and elsewhere, and she has been the recipient of many awards including a 2022 Curt Johnson award from december magazine, the Crazyhorse National Fiction Prize, The Lawrence Foundation Prize from Michigan Quarterly Review, and four Illinois Arts Council Awards, as well as two Notable Essay citations from Best American Essays. A former fiction editor at The Pennsylvania Review and Hotel Amerika, Garnett has also been an editor at Another Chicago Magazine, The South Loop Review, Punctuate, A Nonfiction Journal, and a guest editor at Fifth Wednesday.
She taught writing at Columbia College Chicago for more than thirty years. She also teaches creative writing workshops at various conferences and organizations, and works as a consultant with individual writers of fiction and nonfiction. Contact her at [email protected] for more information.